Hiroshima-Nagasaki Observances
Aug. 6, Sun. 9 a.m. March with the Code Pink / Malu Aina contingent with "Never Again Hiroshima" banners in today's "Festival of the Pacific", 9 a.m., Hilo (It's the 61st anniverary of the bombing of that city, the first detonation of a nuclear bomb on civilian populaton). (For more info. see Code Pink link, left column)
Aug. 6, Sun. 6:30 p.m., Candlelight vigil at Hale Halawai, Kona, organized by Gordana Leonard who sent in the following notice:
"Please join me (Sunday, at 6.30pm) to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the Hiroshima A-bombing, by the Hale Halawai, with a candlelight vigil. As is appropriate, let us commemorate the Nagasaki bombing on Tuesday (Aug. 8) same time, same place... "
"With civilian lives being lost or ruined as I write and you read this, with children dying or being maimed or orphaned daily, with nuclear proliferation as yet unchecked even in our own country, I am inviting us to take a stand and to perhaps inspire one or more others to do the same, while there is still time. If possible, please bring your own candle w/ hand protector. "
"Needless to say, please invite others in the general Kailua area to join us, especially if it is geographically or otherwise inconvenient for you to attend :) "