MESSAGE from JUSTIN AVERY (June 26, 2006)


I hope you are all having a wonderful Summer!There has been a lot going on these days. Lt. Ehren Watada became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful Iraq War and occupation. He is from Honolulu and he needs our support. This Tuesday, 6/27/06 there will be a National day of action to "Stand Up with Lt. Ehren Watada!" or www.couragetoresist.orgIn Hilo..."There will be a Hilo 4-5:30PM June 27th support vigil for Lt. Ehren Watada at the intersection of Kamehameha Ave. and Pauahi St. on Hilo Bayfront. (more info contact 808-966-7622) In Kona...Support vigil on the grass verge by The Pines business center on Nani Kailua at 4.30. (more info contact

Mahalo to our Senators!An amendment to the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill sponsored by Sens. John Kerry and Russ Feingold that would have required virtually all U.S. troops to leave Iraq by July 1, 2007, was defeated Thursday morning, June 22, in the U.S. Senate by a vote of 86 to 13. Akaka and Inouye were two of thirteen Senators to vote FOR this Kerry-Feingold amendment.If you would like to thank our senators.

"An Inconvenient Truth" Palace Theater, HiloAl Gore's movie on Global Warming. We will be registering people to vote before and after the move. Hope to see you!

Date/ShowTimes: Fri 6/30 7:30pmSat 7/1 7:30pm Sun 7/2 7:30pm \nMon 7/3 7:30pm Tue 7/4 2:30pm Tue 7/4 7:30pm Fri 7/7 7:30pm Sat 7/8 7:30pmSun 7/9 2:30pm Mon 7/10 7:30pm Tue 7/11 7:30pm

You seen Syriana? This is a great movie that depicts the tangled international web of the oil business. Unfortunately, a lot of the US\'s involvement leads to our support of dictators and criminals as opposed to leaders that actually want to help their countries. Check it out!

"Corruption charges...corruption? Corruption is government intrusion into market efficiencies in the form of regulation. That's Milton Friedman. He got a goddamn Nobel Prize. We have laws against it precisely so we can get away with it. Corruption is our protection. Corruption keeps us safe and warm. Corruption is why you and I are prancing around in here instead of fighting over scraps of meat out in the street. why we win." Tim Blake Nelson as Danny Dalton to Jeffrey Wright as Bennett Holiday, Syriana

(Posted June 25, 2006)

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